
The Jungle Book at Imagination Stage, 2017

I am a teaching artist and professional actor working in Washington D.C. and New York City. Welcome to my website! Check back often for updates on my life as an actress!


Latia Stokes received her MFA in acting from the Catholic University of America. Her recent credits include:The Jungle Book (Imagination Stage); Darius & Twig (Kennedy Center TYA); Bhavi The Avenger (Convergence Theater); NeverNever (Barrabus Theater); A Christmas Carol (Chesapeake Shakespeare Company); In Sweet Remembrance (Endstation Theatre) and One Glitz Wish (The Strand Theater). She has developed new works by Koleka Putuma, Calleen Jennings, Nathan Louis Jackson, Lauren Gunderson, Tearrance Arvelle Chisholm and Idris Goodwin. When she is not acting, she is a teaching artist for at risk youth organizations.

Headshot & Resume



email me @ latia underscore stokes at yahoo dot com.